Deen Alqayima
Countdown to Reservations End Date
قصة خلق الكون من لحظة الانفجار العظيم حتى نهاية الكون عبر آيات قرآنية تتسق مع أحدث نتائج البحوث الكونية. في هذا الفيلم تتجلى قصة الرسالة الإسلامية
The story of the creation of the universe from the moment of the Big Bang until the end of the universe through Quranic verses consistent with the latest results of cosmological research. In this film, the story of the Islamic message is revealed in 360-degree scenes and unique immersion.
The story of the creation of the universe from the moment of the Big Bang until the end of the universe through Quranic verses consistent with the latest results of cosmological research. In this film, the story of the Islamic message is revealed in 360-degree scenes and unique immersion.
Event Details
Reservations Until:30-12-2024 12:00 PM
Starts on:30-12-2024 01:00 PM
Ends on:30-12-2024 02:00 PM