SAASST publications

Prof. Ilias Fernini
Deputy General Director for Research Laboratories
About Published Papers
The Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST) propelled itself into the frontlines of the space sciences research race with a highly innovative and dedicated team of researchers in its specialized research laboratories. This team consistently contributes to advancing the space sector and combines the expertise of researchers from various fields to create a cluster of knowledge through which they were able to produce several research papers that enrich this prominent sector nationally and internationally.
We, as the Research Laboratories Team and Sharjah Optical Observatories, will continue to focus our efforts on producing more valuable research papers that also contribute to strengthening our knowledge databases. Following a principle of full transparency, we also welcome any qualified persons or entities who wish to participate in our experiments and research projects.
Below you will find a summary of the scientific publications completed or contributed to by our research laboratories team and Sharjah Optical Observatories until now.
Below you will find a summary of the scientific publications completed or contributed to by our research laboratories team and Sharjah Optical Observatories until now.
A Brief History Of Published Papers
The table below lists the main publications of all SAASST
research laboratories & Sharjah Optical Observatories
research laboratories & Sharjah Optical Observatories
CubeSat Laboratory
Space Technology Capacity Building in Support of SDG 2030 through CubeSat Sharjah-Sat-1
Authors: A. R. Aslan, H. M.K. Al-Naimiy, I. Fernini, A. Manousakis, M. Shaikh, S. R. Madara, T. Al-Kaabi, B. Karabulut, O. Oztekin, S. Turkoglu & E. Kalemci
Recent Advances in Space Technologies, Istanbul, 2019
SharjahSat-1 Thermal Analysis for Orbit-Launch Selection
Authors: I. AlSabt, T. AlKaabi, S. R. Madara, I. Fernini, B. Karabulut, E. Catal, H. Telli, H. AlNaimiy, and A. R. Aslan
IAC 2020 Cyber Space Edition, Accepted, Dubai, 12-14 October 2020
SAASST Ground Station: Satellite Tracking and Control for High Data Rates
Authors: T. AlKaabi, I. AlSabt, S. R. Madara, I. Fernini, B. Karabulut, A. R. Aslan, and H. AlNaimiy
IAC 2020 CyberSpace Edition, Accepted, Dubai, 12-14 October 2020
Authors: A. Ruhi, M. Musharraf & I. Fernini
7th Undergraduate Research Competition (Abu-Dhabi Univ., UAE), Apr. 2019
Environmental Monitoring using CanSat
Authors: Y. M. Faroukh, A. Alhammadi, A. Al-Ali, A. O. Adwan, A. M. Faroukh, M. M. Shaikh, I. Fernini
6th International Conference on Space Science and Communication, IEEEXplore Digital Library, 2019
Development of SHARJAH-SAT-1: An improved X-ray Detector (iXRD) onboard a 3U CubeSat
Authors: I. Fernini, A. Manousakis, I. Al-Sabt, T. AlKaabi, S. R. Madara, M. M. Shaikh, A. R. Aslan, B. Karabulut, E. Kalemci, H. M. K. Al-Naimiy
COSPAR 20221, Australia
Scientific Contribution of Sharjah-Sat-1 to X-ray Observations
Authors: E. Kalemci, A. Manousakis, I. Fernini, A. Bozkurt, A. R. Aslan, A. M. Altingun, K. Veziroglu, R. Yalcin, K. Gokalp, M. Diba, A. Yasar, E. Oztaban, B. Karabulut, O. Öztekin, H. Al-Naimiy, Y. Faroukh, I. Alsabt, T. AlKaabi, S. R. Madara, M. Shaikh
IAC 2021, Dubai, 25-29 October 2021
Attitude Determination and Control System of Sharjah-Sat-1
Authors: M. BinAshour, T. AlKaabi, B. Karabulut, A. R. Aslan, Y. Faroukh, I. Fernini, H. Al Naimiy, E. Kalemci
IAC 2021, Dubai, 25-29 October 2021
Antenna Analysis for VHF/UHF monopole antennas under varying geometrical constraints for a 3U CubeSat
Authors: K. Sarica, B. Karabulut , R. Aslan Alim, I. Fernini, H. Al-Naimiy
12th European CubeSat Symposium, Palaiseau, 24-26 November 2021
Technical overview of Sharjah-Sat-1
Authors: I. Fernini , A. R. Aslan, B. Karabulut, O. Öztekin, H. Al-Naimiy, T. AlKaabi, M. BinAshour, I. Alsabt, E. Çatal, K. Sarıca, E. Kalemci
12th European CubeSat Symposium, Palaiseau, 24-26 November 2021
Human and Technological Capacity Building through the Sharjah-Sat-1 CubeSat Project
Authors: T. AlKaabi, I. Fernini, Y. Faroukh, F. Alketbi, A. Alhammadi, M. Alansaari, A. R. Aslan, B. Karabulut, E. Kalemci, H. Al-Naimiy
IAC 2022, Accepted, Paris, 18-22 September 2022
Sharjah-Sat-1 Structural Design and Analysis
Authors: M. Alansaari, T. AlKaabi, F. Alketbi, Y. Faroukh, I. Alsabt, M. BinAshour, A. Alhammadi, I. Fernini, O. Öztekin, E. Catal, B. Karabulut, A. R. Aslan, H. Al-Naimiy
IAC 2022, Accepted, Paris, 18-22 September 2022
Sharjah-Sat-1 Space-to-Ground Telecommunication Operations
Authors: I. Alsabt, Y. Faroukh, A. Alhammadi, T. AlKaabi, F. Alketbi, M. Alansaari, M. BinAshour, I. Fernini, E. E. Gül, B. Karabulut, A. R. Aslan, E. Kalemci, H. Al-Naimiy
IAC 2022, Accepted, Paris, 18-22 September 2022
The iXRD on Sharjah-Sat-1 CubeSat, the science mission and ground calibration
Authors: E. Kalemci, F. Alketbi, Y. Faroukh, A. M. Altingun, T. AlKaabi, A. Alhammadi, M. Alansaari, A. Bozkurt, I. Fernini, A. R. Aslan, B. Karabulut, A. Manousakis, H. Al-Naimiy, R. Yalcin, K. Gokalp
IAC 2022, Accepted, Paris, 18-22 September 2022
Human and Technological Capacity Building through the Sharjah-Sat-1 CubeSat Project
Authors: T. AlKaabi, I. Fernini, Y. Faroukh, F. Alketbi, A. Alhammadi, M. Alansaari, A. R. Aslan, B. Karabulut, E. Kalemci, H. Al-Naimiy
COSPAR 2022- 44th Scientific Assembly, Accepted, Greece, 16-24 July 2022
The Sharjah-Sat-1 CubeSat for Monitoring the Hard X-ray Sky
Authors: E. Kalemci, Y. Faroukh, F. Alketbi, A. M. Altingun, T. AlKaabi, A. Alhammadi, M. Alansaari, A. Bozkurt, I. Fernini, A. R. Aslan, B. Karabulut, A. Manousakis, H. Al-Naimiy
COSPAR 2022- 44th Scientific Assembly, Accepted, Greece, 16-24 July 2022
Design, testing, and validation of a space-based Improved X-Ray Detector onboard Sharjah-Sat-1
Authors: Y. Faroukh, T. AlKaabi, E. Kalemci, I. Alsabt, M. BinAshour, A. Altingun, K. Gokalp, R. Yalcin, F. Alketbi, A. Hammadi, M. Alansari, B. Karabulut, I. Fernini, A. Aslan, H. Al-Naimiy
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022, Accepted, Montréal, 17-22 July 2022
Development of a novel optical camera subsystem onboard Sharjah-Sat-1 CubeSat
Authors: T. Alkaabi, Y. Faroukh, I. Alsabt, M. BinAshour, M. Alansari, F. Alketbi, A. Hammadi, B. Karabulut, O. Oztekin, I. Fernini, A. R. Aslan, H. Al-Naimiy
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022, Accepted, Montréal, 17-22 July 2022
Radio Astronomy Laboratory
Building a Decametric Radio Telescope Array
Authors: A. Alhameed, M. Abdelsalam, D. Nouichi, I. Fernini, H. Al Naimiy, I. Abujami, R. Misbahulhaque, M. Rihan and M. Talafha
Journal of Instrumentation, 14, P08022, 2019
Sharjah Five-Meter Radio Telescope
Authors: I. Fernini, H. M. Al-Naimiy, A. Alhameed, A. Noorani, A. Javed, and A. Abujami
Journal of Instrumentation, 15, P01033, 2020
Unification of Fanaroff-Riley II Radio Sources with 0.1 < z < 2.0 – 8.4 GHz VLA Observations of 15 Sources – Final Sample
Authors: I. Fernini, J. Phys
Conf. Ser. 1269 012009, 2019
VLA Observations of 20 FR II Radio Sources at 8.4 GHz
Authors: I. Fernini
Astrophys Space Sci (2019) 364: 167.
Hot Spots Properties of a Sample of 98 Fanaroff-Riley II Radio Sources
Authors: Fernini, I., & Eckart, A.
Proceedings of First Sharjah International Conference on Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology (FISICPAC), IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1258 (2019) 012022, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1258/012022
Detection of Jovian Radio Emission at 20.1 MHz with a Decametric Radio Array
Authors: I. Fernini, M. Rihan, A. Yousef, S. R. Madara, F. Al Aydaroos, and A. AlHameed
IAC 2020 Cyber Space Edition, Accepted, Dubai, 12-14 October 2020
Observing at 1.4 GHz with the Sharjah New 40-m Radio Interferometer
Authors: A. Asmaa, I. Fernini, A. Manousakis, H. AlNaimiy, A. Noorani, and A. Javed
IAC 2020 Cyber Space Edition, Accepted, Dubai, 12-14 October 2020
Correlation between the Jupiter-Io Observations and the Solar Radio Bursts using the Sharjah Decametric Radio Telescope (SDRT)
Authors: A. Yousef, M. Rihan, S. Shuhail, N. Al Hindawi, S. Madara, I. Fernini, H. Al-Naimiy
72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-29 October 2021
Monitoring of the Sunspots and Solar Radio Bursts for the 25th Solar Cycle using the Sharjah Observatories
Authors: S. Shuhail, N. Al Hindawi, M. Rihan, A. Yousef, M. Talafha, S. Madara, I. Fernini, H. Al-Naimiy
72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-29 October 2021
Building a Solar Radio Spectrometer
Authors: M. Rihan, I. Fernini, I. Zein, A. Atoui, I. Abujami, A. Adwan, H. Al-Naimiy
73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18 September 2022
Space Weather Laboratory
Occurrence of Pre-sunset L-band Scintillation Due to Strong Presence of Sporadic-E over Arabian Peninsula
Authors: Shaikh M. M., Fernini I., Gopakumar G. and Alameri N.
2020 - Advances in Space Research, 65 (2020) 2412–2423.
Performance Evaluation of Model-assisted Data Inversion Technique for Ionospheric Radio Occultation
Authors: Shaikh M. M.
2020 - journal Advances in Space Research
Daytime GNSS Scintillation due to Es over Arabian Peninsula
Authors: Shaikh M.M., Gopakumar G., Hussein A, Kashcheyev A. and Fernini I.
2020 - journal Results in Physics
Variation of Ionospheric Range Errors for L1 frequency GPS users during 23rd solar cycle
Authors: Darya A. M., Shaikh M. M., Fernini I.
2019 - Sp. Res., vol. 64, issue 5, pages 1034-1045.
Reporting Pre-sunset Scintillation on GNSS Frequencies over Arabian Peninsula
Authors: Shaikh M.M. and Fernini I.
33rd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, International Union of Radio Science, Rome 2020.
Longitudinal Variability Study of Ionospheric Ranging Errors Around 20o N Geomagnetic Latitude
Authors: Darya A. M., Shaikh M. M., Fernini I.
6th IEEE Int. Conf. on Space Science and Communication (ICONSPACE) 2019, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
A Comparative Analysis of Global vs Regional Model at High-latitudes
Authors: Shaikh M.M., and Fernini I.
Conference: ION GNSS+ 2022
Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of GNSS based Ionospheric Slab Thickness over Arabian Peninsula.
Authors: Shaikh M.M., Darya A.M., Suhail S., Abusirdaneh M.A., Sowdagar S., and Fernini I.
Conference: IAC 2022
Reconstruction of Incoherent Scatter Radar Vertical Electron Density Profiles using Regression Trees.
Authors: Abusirdaneh M.A., Shaikh M.M., Darya A.M., and Fernini I.
Conference: IAC 2022
Calculating Station Bias for Uncalibrated GNSS Stations Using Close-Range Calibrated GNSS Station Data.
Authors: Sowdagar S., Shaikh M.M., and Fernini I.
Conference: IAC 2022
A GPS Simulator for the Design and Development of a Future Low-cost GNSS.
Authors: Suhail S., Shaikh M.M., and Fernini I.
Conference: IAC 2022
GPS Carrier-to-Noise Density Prediction using Regression Trees.
Authors: Darya A.M., Alnajjar K., Shaikh M.M., Abdallah S., and Fernini I.
Conference: IAC 2022
Amplitude Scintillation Forecasting using Bagged Trees.
Authors: Darya A.M., Al-Owais A., Shaikh M.M., Fernini I.
Conference: IEEE IGARSS 2022
Development of a Machine Learning Model for Martian Electron Density Using MGS Data
Authors: Darya A. M., Alameri N.A., Shaikh M. M., Fernini I.
Advances in Space Research
Meteorite Center
The UAE Meteor Monitoring Network
Authors: I. Fernini, H. Al-Naimiy, M. Talafha, I. Abu Jami, A. Al-Owais, R. Fernini, A. Ahmad, M. Sharif, M. Al-Naser, Y. Eisa, S. Zarafshan, S. Subhi, A. Adwan, and M. Al-Ahbabi
2020 - Journal of Instrumentation, 15(06), T06007–T06007
UAE launches meteor and debris monitoring network
Authors: I. Fernini, M. Talafha, S. Subhi, A. Alowais and M. Sharif
Room Space Journal, Issue 21, 100-103, 2019
Meteor Double and Triple Detections
Authors: I. Fernini, M. Talafha, A. Al-Owais, Y. E. Yousef, M. Sharif, M. Al-Naser, S. Zarafshan, H. Al-Naimiy, A. H. Harriri, I. Abu-Jami, S. Subhi, Y. Al-Nahdi, R. Fernini, A. O. Adwan
Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, Bollmannsruh, Germany, 60-62, 2019
Meteorite Hunting Using Deep Learning and UAVs
Authors: A. A. Alowais, S. Naseem, T. M. Dawdi, M. A. Ahmed, A. O. Adwan, Y. M. Elkalyoubi, K. A. I. K. Hassan, and I. Fernini
2019 International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS2019), DOI: 10.1109/ICSPIS48135.2019.9045905, IEEE Xplore: 26 March 2020.
The UAEMMN: A prominent meteor monitoring system in the Gulf Region
Authors: I. Fernini, A. Alowais, M. Talafha, M. Sharif, Y. Eisa, M. Alnaser, S. Mohammad, A. Hassan, I. Abujami, R. Fernini, and S. Subhi
MeteorNews, Vol. 4, Issue 5, pp. 275-276, 2019
Fireballs Captured by the UAE Meteor Monitoring Network
Authors: M. Sharif, A. Al-Owais, I. Fernini, M. Alnaser, H. Al Naimiy, A. Al-Darei
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates-2021
Meteorite Analysis as an Educational Tool at the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology
Authors: I. Fernini, S. Subhi, G. Attaelmanan, Y. Abdu, H. Al-Naimiy
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates-2021
High Energy Astrophysics Laboratory
The High Energy Astrophysics Group in the Light of Sharjah-Sat-1 and Future Projects
Authors: A. Manousakis, N. AlAmeri, M. AlQasimi, E. Kalamci, I. Fernini, and H. AlNaimiy
IAC 2020 Cyber Space Edition, Accepted, Dubai, 12-14 October 2020
Revealing Accretion Geometry on Supergiant High Mass X-ray Binaries through X-ray Wind Tomography.
Authors: Maryam AlQasimi, Antonios Manousakis, Noora AlAmeri, Ilias Fernini, Hamid AlNaimy
Accretion flows around compact objects: stellar wind and neutron stars in massive binaries
Authors: Antonios Manousakis
Probing Clumpy Wind Accretion in IGR J18027-2016 with XMM-Newton
Authors: P. Praghati, E. Bozzo, B. Paul, A. Manousakis, C. Ferrigno
2019, A&A, vol 883, 116
Observatory Science with eXTP
Authors: in’t Zant J.J.M., et al. incl. A.Manousakis
2019, SCPMA, vol 62, 2
All-Sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory (AMEGO): Exploring the Extreme multimessenger Universe
Authors: McEnery J. et al. incl. A. Manousakis
2019, Bulettin of the American Astronomical Society (BAAS) vol 51, 7
Advances in Understanding High-Mass X-ray Binaries with INTEGRAL and Future Directions
Authors: Kretschmar at al., Antonios Manousakis
Time Domain Astronomy with the THESEUS Satellite
Authors: Kretschmar at al., Antonios Manousakis
Experimental Astronomy 2021
Accretion environment in sgHMXB with small satellites
Authors: Antonios Manousakis, Noora Alameri, Maryam Al-Qasimi, Ilias Fernini, Hamid AlNaimy
Understanding Accretion in High Mass X-ray Binaries: The Case study of VELA X-1
Authors: Manousakis et al
IAUGA 2022
Prospecting Clumpy wind Accretion in the IGR J17252-3616 with XMM-Newton
Authors: Noora AlAmeri, Antonios Manousakis, Maryam AlQasimi, Ilias Fernini, Hamid AlNaimy
IAUGA 2022
Pile-up treatment and spectral analysis of an HMXB using XMM-NEWTON
Authors: Maryam AlQasimi, Antonios Manousakis, Noora AlAmeri, Ilias Fernini, Hamid AlNaimy
IAUGA 2022
Sharjah Optical Observatories
Lunar Flashes
Authors: M. Talafha, I. Fernini, H. AlNaimiy, F. Chogle, and A. Pratap
IAC 2020 Cyber Space Edition, Accepted, Dubai, 12-14 October 2020
Sharjah Lunar Impact Observatory (SLIO)
Authors: M. Talafha, A. Abdulla, M. Azmi, H. Al-Naimiy, M. Al-Wardat
Journal of Instrumentation (JINST)
Atmospheric and Fundamental Parameters of Eight Nearby Multiple Stars
Authors: A. Hussein, M. Al-Wardat, A. Abushattal, H. Widyan, E. Abu-Alrob, O. Malkov, M.Barstow
The Astronomical Journal
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Ions individual abundances in LAMOST J1109+0754 (Mardini+, 2020)
Authors: M. K. Mardini, V. M. Placco, Y. Meiron, M. Ishcenko, B. Avramov, M. Mazzarini, P Berczik, M. Arca Sedda, T. C. Beers, A. Frebel, A. Taani, M. Donnari, M. Al-Wardat, G. Zhao
VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/ApJ/903/88. Originally published in: 2020ApJ...903...88M
Physical and geometrical parameters of CVBS XIV: the two nearby systems HIP 19206 and HIP 84425
Authors: M. Al-Wardat, E. Abu-Alrob, A. Hussein, M. Mardini, A. Taani, H. Widyan, Z. Yousef, H. Al-Naimiy, N. Yusuf
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
The stellar system HIP 101227: is it a binary, a triple or a quadruple system?
Authors: Z. Yousef, A. Annuar, A. Hussein, H. Al-Naimiy, M. Al-Wardat, N. Abdul Hamid, M. Talafha
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Metal-poor stars observed with the automated planet finder telescope. III. CEMP-no stars are the descendant of population III stars
Authors: N. Almusleh, A. Taani, S. Özdemir, M. Rah, M. Al-Wardat, G. Zhao, M. Mardini
Astronomische Nachrichten
Comparison of Gaia and Hipparcos parallaxes of close visual binary stars and the impact on determinations of their masses
Authors: M. Al-Wardat, A. Hussein, H. Al-Naimiy, M. Barstow
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
Precise Masses, Ages, and Orbital Parameters of the Binary Systems HIP 11352, HIP 70973, and HIP 72479
Authors: Y. Al-Tawalbeh, A. Hussein, A. Taani, A. Abushattal, N. Yusuf, M. Mardini, F. Suleiman, H. Al-Naimiy, A. Khasawneh, M. Al-Wardat
Astrophysical Bulletin
Cosmological Insights into the Early Accretion of r-process-enhanced Stars. I. A Comprehensive Chemodynamical Analysis of LAMOST J1109+0754
Authors: M. Mardini, V. M. Placco, Y. Meiron, M. Ishchenko, B. Avramov, M. Mazzarini, P. Berczik, M. Sedda, Timothy C. Beers, A. Frebel, A. Taani, M. Donnari, M. Al-Wardat, G. Zhao
The Astrophysical Journal
Probability Distribution of Magnetic Field Strengths through the Cyclotron Lines in High-Mass X-ray Binaries
Authors: A. Taani, A. Khasawneh, M. Mardini, A. Abushattal, M. Al-Wardat
Jordan Journal of Physics
On the wind accretion model of GX 301-2
Authors: A. Taani, S. Karino, L. Song, M. Mardini, M. Al-Wardat, A. Abushattal, A. Khasawneh and H. Al-Naimiy
1. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2. 1st Sharjah International Conference on Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
The Nucleosynthesis and Reaction Rates of Fluorine 19 (19 F) in the Sun
Authors: M. Mardini, N. Ershiadat, M. Al-Wardat, A. Taani, S. Özdemir, H. Al-Naimiy, A. Khasawneh
1. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2. 1st Sharjah International Conference on Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Extrasolar Planets in Binary Systems (Statistical Analysis)
Authors: A. Abushattal, M. A. Al-Wardat, A.A. Taani, A. Khassawneh, H. Al-Naimiy
1. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2. 1st Sharjah International Conference on Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Sharjah Optical Observatory (SOO) I: General Description
Authors: M. Al-Wardat, M. Talafha, A. Abdulla, H. Al-Naimiy
Sharjah Optical Observatory (SOO) II: Telescopes and Instruments
Authors: M. Al-Wardat, M. Talafha, A. Abdulla, H. Al-Naimiy
Sharjah Optical Observatory (SOO) III: Photometry
Authors: M. Talafha, M. Al-Wardat, A. Abdulla, H. Al-Naimiy
Sharjah Optical Observatory (SOO) IV: Spectroscopy
Authors: M. Talafha, M. Al-Wardat, A. Abdulla, H. Al-Naimiy
Assessment of the New Ground-Based Telescope Sharjah Optical Observatory (SOO) with Exoplanet Transit Photometry
Authors: M. Talafha
International Astronomical Union General Assembly (IAUGA)
Lunar Impact Events by Sharjah Lunar Impact Observatory in 2020
Authors: A. Abdulla, M. Talafha, M. Al-Wardat , H. Al-Naimiy
International Astronomical Union General Assembly (IAUGA)
First Lunar Flash Detected from UAE by Sharjah Lunar Impact Observatory (SLIO) confirmed by far telescope
Authors: M. Talafha
85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society
Microlensing by Stellar-Mass Black Holes
Authors: A. Abdulla
NuSTAR Science Meeting: Ten Years of the High Energy Universe in Focus
Spotting Black Holes as Lens Masses in Astrometric Microlensing Events
Authors: A. Abdulla
The Multifaceted Universe: Theory and Observation
The Observation of Supernova SN 2022 hrs in The Arab Countries: Source of Cooperation and Inspiration
Authors: W. Alnaser, M. Talafha, M. Al-Wardat, M. Odeh, M.A. Aljady, A. Namdar, M. J. Alothman, A. Abdulla
Promoting STEM through the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology
Authors: I. Fernini and H. AlNaimiy
IAC 2020 Cyber Space Edition, Accepted, Dubai, 12-14 October 2020
Sustainability of Artificial Martian Atmosphere
Authors: I. Fernini, R. Fernini, A. Noorani, M. AlShamsi, and M. AlQasimi
IAC 2020 Cyber Space Edition, Accepted, Dubai, 12-14 October 2020
Sharjah Investment in the UAE Space Sector
Authors: I. Fernini, J. Phys.
Conf. Ser. 1269 012003, 2019
Building an Artificial Martian Atmosphere
Authors: M. Al-Qasemi, M. Al-Shamsi, R. Fernini, A. al-Noorani & I. Fernini
233rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, American Astronomical Society (USA), 2019
Contribution of meteor flux in the occurrence of sporadic-E (Es) layers over the Arabian Peninsula
Authors: M. Shaikh, G. Gopakumar, A. Al-owais, M. Sharif, I. Fernini
Annales Geophysicae, 39(3), 471-478.