Saturday, 01 May 2021 16:19

Artificial Intelligence in Space Exploration

As part of its program to enhance astronomy education, the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST) organized a lecture on “Artificial Intelligence in Space Exploration” on Apr. 28, 2021. The lecture was given by Ms. Aisha Al-Owais, a research assistant at the “Meteorite Center” and “Space Artificial Intelligence” at SAASST. Ms. Aisha presented a thorough presentation on the application of AI in space systems from spacecrafts to the study of the universe as a whole. Advances in AI have allowed us to make progress in all kinds of disciplines – and these are

not limited to applications on this planet. From designing missions to clearing Earth’s orbit of junk, we can have a long list of AI applications in space: “Astronaut Assistants,” “Mission Design and Planning,” “Satellite Data Processing,” “Space Debris,” “Navigation Systems,” and many more. As we carry on to explore the universe, we will continue to plan ambitious missions to satisfy our inherent curiosity and improve the human lives on Earth. Artificial intelligence will help us both on Earth and in space make this exploration possible in our endeavors.


Ms.Aisha also presented how AI is used at SAASST for meteors and meteorites detection using the UAE Meteor Monitoring Network (UAEMMN) sponsored by the UAE Space Agency. The online lecture was attended by many students, faculty members, and the general public.


The lecture can be checked online through the following link: