Monday, 21 February 2022 10:21

SAASST organizes An Arduino Workshop for the UoS Mechanical Engineering Students

The Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST) is organizing a two-week  (Feb. 14-24, 2022) Arduino workshop for the Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (MENE) students at the University of Sharjah. This workshop falls under a special topic course, "Instrumentation and Measurements," as part of the students' program requirement. Eng. Yousuf Faroukh from the SAASST CubeSat Laboratory is conducting the workshop. This initiative by Prof. Tahar Laoui from MENE enhances collaboration between SAASST and MENE in training students.

The workshop introduced students to basic theories in analog and digital signals, microcontrollers, signal processing, and how instruments work and perform measurements. The students used an Arduino microcontroller platform to apply the theoretical knowledge gained inside the classroom into practical skills. The students experimented with light-dependent resistors to simulate attitude determination and control systems onboard many satellites, including the Sharjah-Sat-1 CubeSat. This workshop will be useful in their future career for building engineering skills.