Wednesday, 05 February 2020 20:11

Wings of Imagination

The Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences and Technology (SAASST) at the University of Sharjah organized a highly informative and engaging lecture under the title “Wings of Imagination” as part of its monthly series of public awareness of space sciences and astronomy lectures held on the third Wednesday of every month. Ms. Salma Subhi, Research Assistant at the Meteorite Center at SAASST, took the attendees on a journey that explored the ancient imaginations of space, the concept of imagination and how it inspired creativity in the astronomy and space field development and applications, as well as how imagination stimulates deep thinking and finding answers to the creation of the vast Universe in which we reside.

A large number of the University of Sharjah’s faculty and staff members and students, as well as astronomy and space sciences enthusiasts, attended the lecture.

This lecture inspired students, faculty members, and researchers of the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology as well as the Department of Applied Physics and Astronomy at the University of Sharjah, and the attendees of the general publish to explore the deep recesses of their minds to find answers to the mysteries of this Universe.