Thursday, 13 June 2024 13:11

AC2's SAASST Participation

Two researchers from the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST) participated in the "AC2: Alumni Catalysts of Change" organized by the College of Sciences on Feb. 10, 2024.

Ms. Noora Al-Ameri, a research scientist at the High Energy Astrophysics Laboratory, and Ms. Manar Abu-Sirdaneh, a research scientist at the Space Weather and Ionospheric Laboratory, both UoS graduates, actively participated in the live panel discussion of the event.


The panel discussion brought together distinguished individuals who once walked the halls of the University of Sharjah and have since become catalysts for change at the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology. Ms. Noora and Ms. Manar actively participated in the discussion, as they were UoS former students and then turned into SAASST researchers. Both shared their transformative journey from university life to impactful roles in cutting-edge research. They shed light on the pivotal moments and educational experiences at the University of Sharjah that shaped their career trajectories. They emphasized how the institution was a launchpad for their subsequent contributions to SAASST's pioneering work. Their insightful reflections provided a unique perspective on the role of higher education in fostering innovation and producing alumni who actively drive positive change in advanced science and space technology.