Monday, 25 January 2021 13:59

Sharjah Optical Observatory A Lecture by Mr. Mohamed Talafha

As part of its program to enhance astronomy education, the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology organized a special lecture on the “Sharjah Optical Observatory” on Jan. 25, 2021. The lecture was given by Mr. Mohamed Talafha, the main observer at the Sharjah Optical Astronomy Observatory. Mr. Talafha described the observatory optical system, composed of three main telescopes: a 17-inch reflecting telescope for deep-sky observations, an 18-cm refracting telescopes for the Moon planetary observation, and a 10-cm refracting solar telescope. The observatory has a long schedule of observations of stars systems, exoplanets, asteroids, and extragalactic sources. The observatory has a long story of organizing bi-weekly open houses for the general public to initiate them to the world of astronomy. We hope for these open houses to resume once the pandemic is over.


Mr. Talafha also described the new Sharjah Lunar Impact Observatory (SLIO) program of observing lunar impacts. The system was able to detect ten lunar impacts, with an impressive trio of impacts on Jan. 18, 2021. SLIO is unique in the MENA world, and there are only two other systems in the world that are fully dedicated to lunar impact observations.


The online workshop was attended by many students, faculty members, and the general public.


This special lecture can be checked online through the following link: