Saturday, 19 June 2021 18:16

A Special STK Workshop for SAASST Summer Internship Students

The Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST) has organized a special STK workshop for the summer internship students on Jun. 14, 2021. Mrs. Tarifa Al-Kaabi, our research assistant at the CubeSat Laboratory, organized the workshop. Mr. Diogo Rodriguez, the AGI MENA Director, gave the workshop onsite. Due to the pandemic situation, some students participated online.  Systems Tool Kit, often referred to by its initials STK, is a multi-physics software application from Analytical Graphics, Inc. that enables engineers and scientists to perform complex

analyses of ground, sea, air, and space platforms to share results in one integrated environment. The students had a unique experience learning the pre-conditions and conditions of setting a space launch through several interactive simulations. SAASST is in its fourth year of running the STK application through a special license with AGI.